A Feminist Assessment of the Humanitarian Aid System’s Support of Women- and Girl-Led Organizations During the COVID-19 Pandemic VOICE’s “We Must Do Better” report represents the first attempt at a global feminist assessment of the experiences of women and girls, and the organizations they lead, during the COVID-19 pandemic. It looks at their lives holistically

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Violence Against Women and The Call for Change by Natasha Simone Alexenko | Ten years after Andrea Dworkin would give this speech, I was raped and robbed at gunpoint in the United States by a stranger who followed me home. I am far from being an anomaly—research from WHO indicates that about 1 in 3 women have been subjected to sexual violence globally.

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The escalating violence in Ukraine has put millions of women’s and girl’s lives at risk and threatens to displace over a million innocent civilians. There are already more than 2.9 million people in need of assistance in the region, and most refugees fleeing Ukraine are women and children.

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Despite the worsening humanitarian and security situation in Afghanistan, Afghan women and girls continue to organize and resist the Taliban. They need our solidarity now more than ever.

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By Asiya Jawed | When we imagine humanitarian relief in emergency contexts, we automatically think about the people’s basic needs, which include food, water, shelter, and clothing. However, people live in a state of emergency post-political unrest and turmoil for several months and years – sometimes even decades.

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The US on Wednesday appointed an envoy to defend the rights of Afghan women, signaling a key priority as the Taliban ratchet up restrictions. VOICE warmly welcomes the appointment of Rina Amiri as the US Special Envoy for Afghan Women, Girls, and Human Rights. This appointment, which we called for in our policy brief

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