We would like to invite you to a virtual event VOICE is hosting on January 31st at 11am EST | 8am PST, where we’ll be discussing our work from the last year and the WHY that guides everything we do. Please register below to let us know you can come. REGISTER HERE 2022 was a

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As members of the U.S. Policy Advocates for Afghan Women’s and Girls’ Rights Working Group, we deplore and strongly condemn the latest attacks on women’s rights in Afghanistan. The recent decrees banning women from working in non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and attending university constitute gender persecution and show willful disregard for the well-being of the Afghan people and the future of the country writ large.

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WASHINGTON DC Television WUSA9 features VOICE’S art exhibition — Home is Still A Long Way Away: An Art Exhibition by Afghan Women — while on display on the National Mall December 10-12, 2022.

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In August 2021, as the Taliban took over Kabul, the international community evacuated thousands of Afghan women human rights defenders whose lives were at risk. These women and their families were taken to countries such as Turkey, Greece, Albania, and Qatar while their resettlement processes began. More than a year later, many of them are still in transit. Many of their family members are still in Afghanistan; their friends and colleagues are dispersed around the world in search of safety and security; and their lives are seemingly on hold.

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VOICE is a cutting-edge, for impact-non-profit, that is revolutionizing the conflict, crisis, and peace building landscape by harnessing the power of women and girls and the organizations they lead. November 17, 2022The Mission:  VOICE is currently operating in Ukraine and across affected border countries– working closely with local and international partners to promote women’s protection

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New Report from VOICE! | November 17, 2022: Since the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan in August 2021, millions of women have been displaced within Afghanistan, and many have been forced to flee the country, watching while the Taliban regime progressively restricts women’s most basic human rights. While many WHRDs and their families were evacuated from Afghanistan immediately after the Taliban takeover due to heightened risks of gender-based violence and other forms of abuse, many others had no choice or decided to stay and live under significant threat as they continue their activism.

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